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Enroll Skilljar users in Strigo

How to create an enrollment in Strigo every time a user enrolls to a course in Skilljar

Daniel Wolf avatar
Written by Daniel Wolf
Updated over a week ago

A typical flow is to enroll a user in a Strigo on-demand course when the user registers for a Skilljar course.

Strigo supports that in two ways:

  1. Zapier - this is the straightforward way Skilljar offers, which Strigo also supports.

  2. Webhooks - this will require you to program a little bit to trigger Strigo based on Skilljar webhooks.

Understanding the terms

Before we begin, it's best to understand the basic terms:

  1. Skilljar has an enrollment for every user that registers to a course.

  2. Strigo also has an enrollment for every on-demand course.

Strigo enrollments make sure that only a user that is enrolled to an on-demand course has access to the course.

We assume that every Skilljar course has a corresponding Strigo on-demand course.

The goal is to create a matching Strigo enrollment for every Skilljar enrollment.

The Zapier flow

Let's start with the Zapier approach.

Before we start with how to create the zap, here's an outline of the flow of the zap:

  1. A zap is triggered when there's a new course enrollment in Skilljar.

  2. The zap extracts the ID of the Skilljar course and the enrolled email.

  3. The zap maps this Skilljar course ID to a corresponding Strigo course ID.

  4. The zap triggers the Strigo API call to enroll the email in the matching Strigo course.

Step (3) is required because there has to be a place to map between every Skilljar course and its matching Strigo course.

This is how your eventual flow will look like:

How to create a Skilljar Enrollment -> Strigo Enrollment Zap


  1. Make sure you have integrated Zapier into both a Skilljar account and a Strigo account.

Step 1: The Skilljar trigger

  1. Create a new zap.

  2. For the Trigger, select "New Course Enrollment":

Step 2: Map Skilljar course IDs to Strigo course IDs

  1. Add a new step of type "Code by Zapier":

  2. In the "Event" field, select "Run Javascript":

  3. In the "Action" section, fill in "skilljarCourseId" in the Input Data, and select "Course Id" in the row below:

  4. In the "Code" section, insert the following code:

    1. Notice you have to replace "SKILLJAR_COURSE_ID" with an actual ID of a Skilljar course and "STRIGO_COURSE_ID" with an actual ID of a Strigo course.

    2. You will need a row of the type "if (inputData ..." for every Skilljar course you have.

Step 3: Create the Strigo action

  1. Add a new step of type "Strigo".

  2. In the "Event" section choose "Create On-Demand Enrollment":

  3. For the "On-demand Course ID" field, select the "Run Javascript in Code by Zapier" option, where you find the "Strigo Course ID" property you had in the code section before:

  4. In the "Email" field, select the "New Course Enrollment in Skilljar" option, where you will find the "User Email" property:

That's it

You can save your zap and test it.

Notice! Every time you have a new course, you will have to go back to this zap and edit step 2 - the Code by Zapier step - that maps between Skilljar and Strigo.

Creating enrollments without Zapier

For the second approach that does not require Zapier, please contact us.

It will require writing a small backend service that listens to Skilljar webhooks, is therefore triggered when a user registers to a Skilljar course, and then uses the Strigo API in order to enroll that user in the matching Strigo course.

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