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Strigo Academy - Start Here!

Get a full picture of how to get started with Strigo

Daniel Wolf avatar
Written by Daniel Wolf
Updated over a week ago


Thank you very much for starting to use Strigo’s In-product Academy.

This is the path we recommend you take to get started:

  1. First - play with it. Create a "Hello world!" course.

  2. Preview that sample course in-app - no-code! Use our Chrome Extension for that.

  3. Create the content for a real-life course.

  4. Install Strigo in your web app's codebase and deploy it in a non-production environment.

  5. Test it internally.

  6. Go live in production.

Step 1 - start with "Hello World!"

The concept of "Hello World!" is to create a little dummy course, just in order to learn how to use the product.

  1. Go to Lounge - Strigo's administrative console.

  2. Create a course with one or two lessons only.

  3. Set the course's status to Online.

Don't bother yourself with all of Strigo's different content types and product interactivity capabilities - we'll get there soon.

Step 2 - embed in-app

Generally speaking, in order to show Strigo's academy in-app, you need to install its code snippet. However, we allow you to preview courses even before you do that!

For that, please install Strigo's Chrome Extension, and follow its instructions in order to preview your courses on your selected web URL.

Step 3 - create content for a real-life course

Now that you've managed to create a simple piece of content and display that in-app, we recommend you start creating a real course for a product educational use-case you have in mind.

Step 4 - install Strigo in your application

When you have your first course ready, we recommend you test it out internally in a non-production environment (like a sandbox or a staging environment).

For that, you will have to follow these instructions to embed Strigo's code snippet in your web app's codebase.

Step 5 - test it

When you have Strigo installed in the codebase for that non-production environment, we recommend you select a few users - colleagues or beta testers - and make sure Strigo's academy appears only for them. You can do so by programmatically adding Strigo to your web app only for these users.

Step 6 - go live

After you conclude your internal tests, it's time to go live.

The Strigo installation already exists in your codebase, so you only need to make sure it's deployed in production.

You can follow Strigo's user segmentation capabilities to have more control over which users get exposed to which content.

That's it!

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